TestContainers — integration testing with Docker

Day 2 / 15:45  / Track 2  / Lang: RU

Unit testing is nice, but most modern microservices use external I/O (databases, MQ and so on). How to test?

You could say "H2". But what if there is PostgreSQL with JSONB in production. What's with JSONB in H2?

This talk will examine TestContainers — a library that lets you run Docker containters from your JUnit (and not only JUnit) tests, providing instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.

Apache, Spring, ZeroTurnaround, Zipkin, Zalando, Alfa Lab — only some of the companies that chose TestContainers. Come to the talk to figure out why!

Sergey Egorov

Sergey Egorov, Uvita


An active member of Open Source community, Apache Software Foundation member and contributor in projects such as Apache Groovy, TestContainers, Spring Boot, JBoss Modules, Zipkin. He is also a co-creator of Russian DevOps podcast "Two Devs One Ops" where he shares his knowledge of DevOps, cloud solutions and modern infrastructure solutions such as Docker (which he uses since 2014).